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Ursula Christel & Roman Mitch

Mokopōpaki, 454 Karangahape Rd, Auckland
19 November – 19 December 2020


  • Interpreting our personal and communal  responses to the global Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns - through the lens of Agile technology.

  • Seeking strategies for personal agility, adjustments and adaptation in a world that is rife with misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories. 


Mokopōpaki, K Road setting

And the city don’t know what the city is getting

The crème de la crème of the art world

In a show with everything but Marcel Duchamp

Full catalogue link

Works by Ursula Christel:

Outlook for Thursday* : LANDSCAPE_SHIFT with Roman Mitch, 2020

Painted archival tape, string, bungee cords and straps, keyrings, padlocks, keys, plastic cord, framed mesh panel 180 x 90 x 11 cm (aperture 5 x 5 cm)

Window Level, 2018

Black and white, chequered vinyl flooring

Essential Services* : POSTCARD RACK, 2020

Repurposed birdcage, digital prints on metal, wire connectors 59.5 x 77.5 x 2.5 cm

Hard Times Come Again No More* : LEVEL IV, 2020

Panel board, acrylic, masking tape, paper, mirror, glass chess board, straps, metal holder, caution tape roll 70 x 46 x 15.5 cm

Pūtahi* : Star Board, 2020

Panel board, tape, cork, paper, push pins, stickers, acrylic sealant, wooden frame, resistors, cotton mesh bag, dried sea stars

76 x 40 x 13 cm

Fairy Falls* : Wave Chart, 2020

Panel board, tape, cork, newspaper, acrylic sealant, wooden frame, canvas board, acrylic, rubber band 46.7 x 40 x 7.3 cm

With Eyes That Know* : Between the Stars, 2020

Spray paint on framed mesh panel 90 x 180 x 1.6 cm (aperture 5 x 5 cm)

Victory Over the Sun* : Maquette for MALWARE, 2020

Vinyl flooring, metal hanger, hi-vis fabric, pins, metal computer side panel, bungee cords, metal hooks, cable ties, birdcage elements, aluminium carabiners, plastic chain, framed mesh panel 180 x 90 x 12 cm (aperture 5 x 5 cm)

* Denotes title by Mokopōpaki

All photos by the artist unless credited otherwise

©2024 Ursula Christel 

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